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You may remember earlier this month Walt 3010 posted a request for a pattern of Zahra Baker as he wanted to make a gift to the local police. I responded with a pattern and Walt felt it was good enough to cut. He made a great job of it (well I think so) but hasn't yet worked out how to post a picture on the forum so I thought I'd help him out.


A real Transatlantic team effort I think. :)




http://i744.photobucket.com/albums/xx90 ... /zahra.jpg


That is one remarkable portrait,the depth in the face jump out of the wood.most unusual high quality patterning.For a portrait ,this has got to be number one in my book.Freike you have the incredible knack to personify the best of the best in all you touch.Most amazing, is this pattern looks more like Zahra baker than she does,and that's a good thing.Your the greatest ever in art in any fortay.this is a very touching heart felt pattern that should win awards .I can't wait to acquire more ink so this one can be in my portfolio as the leader of the show.A shrine needs to go around this portraite,no everyday frame will do.My hat is off to you for the extra effort you've gone to make this a touching :) memorial portrait.

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