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💝 Valentine's Day Custom Ornament Business Kit - 30% Off Through Feb 14! ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ ×



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Got up yesterday to the wonderful aroma of turkey cooking in the oven. Watched the thanksgiving day parade for a while :bored: Had about two hours before it was time to eat :drool: What to do :confused: The orders from the boss stated I couldn't do any cutting or make a mess today :huh: But it didn't say anyhing about taking the saw apart :roll:

Grabbing some tools and reviewing the video by Rick Hutchenson I went for it. I didn't disassemble everything. I was curious to see the actual moving parts from the motor shaft to the link arms. Went about as described in the video. The case was a bit sticky coming off. Hung up a bit on the upper arm support pin. With a little jiggling I got it off. There's mention in the video about taking care that the upper arm doesn't slip off the support pin. Well it did :o Luckily I had a hold of it and was able to put it back in position before it fell off completely :oops:

I checked all the internals to make sure everything was tight and there were no missing parts (parts blowup came in handy). Satisfied I reassembled the saw. After tightening everything back up I turned it on. It ran like a charm :D Overall took me about an hour. When I rechecked my blade alignment I found that along with my blade being square to the table my table was now level. Don't ask me what I did I have no clue :lol: I really had no reason to take the saw apart...Just boredom and curiousity.

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