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Great scott Art , You've an managery of skilled talents i say,Scroll saw repairman,wood burner, and now gosh darn handsome snowmen ornament maker.You must be building up for some pudding pie this year from the miss's.This 'll get you on her good side.Nice touch of class for wood oranaments.While your at it make more for your next years craft show sell out.They'll be back for more of your good stuff.I see nothing goes to waste at your house.If you could only save all you ever bought you'd have everything you need when you need it. problem is you'd need a fork lift and a condo to store it all :rofl: .Miss kitty should be about ready for her box car ride down here for the winter.Instead of loungeing by the fire place she can curl up next to the airconditioner this winter.I have tender vittles and cat nip a plenty.Clayton sent down plenty of mouse cheeze so she'l be right at home. :)


Thanks...Was a good excuse to fire up Ol'e Yella :lol: While I was at it got some more done on my Thompson model. Already got my rewards. Homemade apple and custard pies ;) You can add gunsmith to the list also. Completely stripped, repaired and refinished an old Winchester 30-30 rifle for my brother in law a while back.

[attachment=1]winch before.jpg[/attachment] Rifle as I received it. Broken or missing parts and blueing 70% gone.

[attachment=0]winch side.jpg[/attachment] After complete refurb. Took about two months.


Miss Kitty would go nuts if she wasn't around my wife. As it is she sits in the window watching until my wife gets home when she goes out. They can't be seperated for long periods of time :lol:

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