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Snow flake tree pattern by Sue Mey, pattern was in the new edition of scroll saw magazine - plywood enalrge pattern to 19 x 16

White tail Lodge wood burn - Lora. S. Irish from the book great book of wood burning - pine

Cross window pattern by vector - pine

Business card holder pattern was in newest edition of scroll saw magazine -1/4 sandeply

Portrait of my brothers sis in law and family - 1/4 inch sandeply


all are great patterns,

Glad ssv is back online, been missin ya'll


Hello Jim .I'd like to give you a nickname if i could,only for today only. How does "KNOCK 'EM OUT JIM "sound to you.You don't sit still to long.I'd like to see that pile of saw dust you make every week.I'd bet i'd choke a beaver :rofl: .This is my first year to see the infamous snowflake tree ,and would'nt mind haveing one.great job of it.Here we go again another CJ'S custom wood burnt creation.Buddy i got to hand it to you .You and that iron are two pea's in a pod.Your deer is proof of that,that's a great one too.And , you also do card holder's !Whew! tttttttttttttthere's no takeing the air out of your sails when it come to gitter done.What a repertore of ideas in your head.I'll bet you laugh all the way to the bank!I wish i had your get up and go . you must be one of them there young guys ,willing to tackle a storm if nessescary.You doing a phenonenal job day in and day out.What are you trying to do :) retire early? :rofl:


Dw, Brett, thanks guys, appreciate the feedback.


Kevin, lol, yeah im laffing all the way to the bank... to fix my wifes oops, she was just a wee bit in the red the other day, sad to say all of them i done is for Christmas presents, except the tree, it took too long and it was a pita i used smallest reverse tooth blade, spirals (im out of blades) so i had to shimmy around alot, get all parts cut, i liked the tree so much i am keeping it, and we will actually have it hanging year round, since i do love the winter and snow (which we hardly ever get) ok im babblin here, thanks again guys:thumbs:



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