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Hi yes i know i have been missing in action for long time But i finally got my life back after 6 months of working on empting my mom's house and my dad's big huge pole garage.Mom moved to a independent living community. she bought a 2 bedroom apartment she is now livng in Des moines Iowa that is 70 some miles away from me but she has my 2nd to oldest sister to help her . We finally got it listed with the Realtor so it is in their hands now and I'm slowing getting back to scroll sawing a fine things. Here is few i have just finsihed.


Sounds like you've been busy. Hope everthing goes well with your mom's move.

I love the snowflakes. We have quite a bit of snow over here at the moment - not something this country can cope with (we grind to a halt cos we're not used to it).

Can you take any photo's a bit closer so we can see the detail? What did you cut them out of?



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