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I tried with no success to contact Travis, (no such e mail address)...


What gives with the sight, there is no download page any longer, everything has to be placed into favorites, where there is no delete option, so when you open a zip file you get every pattern saved to favorites...


Personally these changes almost wants me to quit using the sight...


Jerry Britner

Scroll Saw Corner

Oklahoma City


Also why is pictures of finished project being placed into the new pattern page???


I'm still working on the site. Since the move to the other server, I've been trying to get everything back in place. Some things are just lower on my priority list. If you need to remove a pattern from the Favorites (Same thing as Download cart, I just haven't changed the word yet.), just click the picture and in the info box, choose "Remove from favorites. That will remove the pic.


My email is still travis@scrollsawvillage.com. I know I've been using the email since the move and haven't noticed any problems. Anybody else have trouble getting through? You can always PM me too.


Sometimes pictures get posted to the new patterns page by new users who don't know how to create their own User Album. I go through every so often and move them out. Again, its pretty low on my priority list right now.


I'm trying my best to get the website put together again. Its been quite an ordeal so far and I've lost some stuff in the move which is frustrating. I'm sorry to hear you're not liking the SSV anymore. I can certainly close your account if you'd like.


Still fighting the sight to get the patterns I want to download, took me several trys to download a John Wayne Pattern...

I still think you have a good thing going here Travis, however the change to this new server proves challenging at best....

Good luck at getting it back up and running as it was

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