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Cutting Video


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If you can't tell I'm going stir crazy not cutting. I did have a chance to sneak in a quickie today :lol: I cut the emblem for the FD plaque this morning. While I was at it I tried to make a video. So if you've got six minutes to waste, here you go. Unfortunately my fingers were bigger than the piece I was cutting. Cut from 1/4" poplar using a FD-PSR5 blade. Old Yella ran like a champ (so far).

http://s70.photobucket.com/albums/i83/g ... eWalt1.mp4

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Hello Art ,I watched your cutting video and left a message but it says it could not be posted to the wall?I was wondering why you ,after makeing a cut ,would turn the piece over every single time?idiosyncresy? lol I never heard a dw788 run are they that quiet?These video's that turn up now and then are relaxing to watch a moveie about the trade in action!Do another one! :) You are one careful scroller. :)

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I don't know about posting comments there. I only use Photobucket when I can't upload directly to the site. Ya the flipping was just something to do. Actually if I had shut off the shop vac there would be very little noise. The 788 is very quiet (mine anyways). The camera picks up everything. I did that piece without losing any body parts :lol: Biggest challenge was trying to hold on to the piece while cutting. I didn't want to break off any parts.

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