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35 minutes ago, Iguanadon said:

Interesting idea, however most events you're limited to a 10'x10' space (unless you pay for a double sized booth) and many venues have limited access to electricity and I have found that the spaces with access to power are usually in bad locations in the overall layout of the event.  I learned that the hard way and no longer ask for access to power in order to get better spots.  All of my major events I don't have power.  

I have electricity at my weekly farmers market, but it's only 5 hours long and I'm only going to sell 20-25 puzzles a week even if I had a clown juggler on a unicycle.  😉

So you're saying you need a 10ft. wide flat screen tv hanging behind you running on a monkey peddling a bike that's running the generator, LOL.. On a more serious note.. inverters and batteries have come a long way.. whether that's practical for you is your choice.. I'm just saying people bring saws to do live displays.. the next best thing to that is.. video.. Just my opinion.. In those cases where one wants to "show" how it's made.. it's more practical to handle the light weight big screen TV's of today... and a battery pack than setting up a scroll saw where your attention is on scroll sawing than your customers.. Not to mention the mess the scroll saw might leave behind etc. after the show to clean up etc.. 

2 hours ago, kmmcrafts said:

So you're saying you need a 10ft. wide flat screen tv hanging behind you running on a monkey peddling a bike that's running the generator, LOL.. On a more serious note.. inverters and batteries have come a long way.. whether that's practical for you is your choice.. I'm just saying people bring saws to do live displays.. the next best thing to that is.. video.. Just my opinion.. In those cases where one wants to "show" how it's made.. it's more practical to handle the light weight big screen TV's of today... and a battery pack than setting up a scroll saw where your attention is on scroll sawing than your customers.. Not to mention the mess the scroll saw might leave behind etc. after the show to clean up etc.. 

There are people that have Ipads running or things like that. Portable DVD players set up if you have the room. But what that can do is draw a crowd and block the sales table and all people do is watch movies. I have been to shows where there is crafters with their saws but again people stop and watch but does not necessarily mean more sales. You do need more help if you are doing that though. Those things work well if you are selling tools and you are demonstrating the tool. Doing it for a finished product not so much.  


I've been wanting to get me a banner and I think you convinced me! 

KMMCrafts, I do bring my saw to some of my shows and this year i'll be using a battery and inverter but When I do bring my saw, I make sure all the vendors around me are ok with me sawing.  Not just for the noise but for the dust that I produce, I had two shows when my neighbors kept having to wipe there items from dust that was blowing off my saw right on to their booth.  One hated me and wanted me dead and the other one was totally fine because I was attracting more people to his booth.

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