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Hi everyone. My name is Dale. I'm a newbie scroll saw er from Holy Toledo, Ohio. I lost my job as a Fire alarm systems inspector in '08 and took up the wood lathe mostly making pens to keep myself busy until I could get back to work. However, I have had more and more problems with Lumbar Spinal Stenosis, had surgery for that while I was off work, and my back and legs haven't been the same since. Now I can't work. My workshop isn't heated so I had my son bring my scroll saw in the house and set up in a spare bedroom. Gives me something to pass the time. I can't work very long on a project because I can't stand or sit too long without it aggravating my back. But I do enjoy woodworking so I tinker with it here and there.


Hello grandpawb,I'd ask how are you but you seemed to have answerd that fully!.sorry to hear the news.Scrolling helps me keep my sanity being out of work 4 years .Trying all aspects of scrolling brings new found joy and a self gradification to boot.Open up all the doors and windows in scroll saw village (ssv) and you open a new world of satisfiying joy.More things too learn and have fun doing it too!.Compound cutting is an interesting concept of scrolling.You can find out about that in the wiki section on top of most pages.Travis's workbench is a fun game to play in there too.Feel free to join in on the chat room thursdays from 7to ?,meet the scrollers there.what ever you want to know it's all here just ask.Welcome to the SSV!Click on a persons name in the gallery to see all they have done being here and open your own gallery to store projects finished and collect patterns there for future referance! :)

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