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Just a short update from a long inactive member.  I was serving as a full-caregiver for my 98 yr old Mother until she passed in Oct.  I then decided to downsize so bought a small house with nice shop building but moving into something less than half the size creates all kinds of problems.  Finally got the move made with the help of some great friends in January.  Of course nothing seems to go smoothly.  I went out early one morning to get the trash out for pickup and didn't notice that we had received some ice overnight.  I fell off the back porch which is about 3 steps up and had 2 fractures and a dislocated foot.  It is disconcerting to look down and see your foot dangling off the end of your leg held on only by the skin.  I did manage to crawl back into the house and call for help.  Within 4 hrs, I was in surgery having a plate and screws putting me back together.  This was followed by 5 weeks of being house bound as I was not allowed to put any weight on that leg.  Talk about boring.  I was going crazy, especially as my new Pegas scrollsaw came and all I could do was set and look at it.  Finally convinced my caregivers to let me set it up in the kitchen attached to a shop vac so I could actually try it out and LOVE it.  Last week I was pulling weeds in a flower bed and it turns out that they were poison oak so I broke out in a very itchy rash all over.  After a shot, it is clearing up and hopefully my tribulations have ended for a while unless you count being under a tornado warning every night.  So far we have only gotten rain.  A lady is selling rain gauges made from a 5 gal. bucket.  Enough of me as I am back to cutting and working on some things for a wedding.  It is good to be back.


Wow, the old adage of when it rains it pours, really seems to apply to your life doesn't it.  Hopefully you will see the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.  Sorry you have gone through so much, especially on the loss of your mother.  doesn't matter the age of either, its always hard to lose your parent.  I hope you are healing well and can get past it all, especially the itchy poison ivy and get back to the fun of scrolling.  glad you found a  way to try out your new saw.  Prayers for your continued healing.


Welcome back Bob.  We have missed you being around.  I do so hope that your run of terrible luck as all run out now, you deserve some good luck to keep you going.  Condolences on the loss of your mum.


  • 2 months later...

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