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Saturday sales.


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Well sales was pretty good yesterday.Sold a lot of my Portrait Plaques,Several cars.some Wildlife.Famous People.Didn't sell any smalls,My wife was a little disappointed,that's her dept,.After getting all the stuff loaded up and getting up.about 30min drive.I could get out of my van. My back locked up.But after sitting for what seemed like hours I finally was able to pull myself up and shuffle to the house.I wont be cutting for a few days.Keep me in your Prayers.😀

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Have your wife get a hold of a few pounds of rice. Fill an athletic sock with the rice. Heat it with a microwave. It will conform to any part of your back. If it's too hot, wrap it in a towel. By the way, just tie a knot at the opening Been living with a bad lower back for 20 years. RJF

Edited by teachnlearn
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