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I have my Dewalt saw broken down into as many parts as is possible (Without taking the motor and PCB apart :) )

I like the Dewalt over the EX21 for cutting thick timber, it dosen't seem to struggle as much and takes a lot less time then the Ex.
As I haven't used it for about 7 or 8 years, I thought I'd better take the bearings out, clean them and repack them with a high quality grease.
I am pleasantly surprised at how little wear there is. Two needle bearings have a little wear, but are still tight, so I'll put it all back together tomorrow (if I can remember how) and cut some stuff.
If all goes according to plan I may, when I sell a few more items, buy another set of Pegas clamps for it. I think I'd get the Ex21 clamps as I like the tensioning system better then the Dewally.
When I knock of work tomorrow we'll see how it goes.


I also like the DeWalt over the EX for cutting thicker wood.. when i say thicker wood I mean anything more than 5/8"  I kinda kick myself in the behind for selling my DeWalt and hanging onto a couple of my other saws.. But they are doable anyway.. just a bit slower.. and I don't cut a lot of thick materiel anymore.

Good luck getting it back together and all dialed in.. For me putting it together wasn't bad at all.. but getting things all dialed in and adjusted up was as much time consuming as the re-build..



Got it all back together Kevin, and miracle of miracles, there were no nuts or bolts left over :)
Dialled it in and  cut 5 standing puzzles out of pine, just over an inch thick.
It's a little noisy, but it always was noisier than I expected after reading reviews. I actually purchased it from the US and have a 240v - 110 transformer on it.
I think I know what is causing it, but it can wait.


2 hours ago, NC Scroller said:

The Dewalt cuts thicker wood better, not better but more aggressive, because the the blade motion is not 90 degrees to the table where the EX is.  I am talking front to back movement. You can obtain the same on your EX by rotating the motor. 

Be buggered if I'm going to keep on moving the motor on the Ex when I have the blade set for minimum back to front movement. ;) I find that the DeWalt allows tighter turns and with a lot less burning in timber over an inch thick compared to the Ex. It is almost a joy cutting 3/4 - 1" Jarrah. on the DeWalt.

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