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Retired: Not My Problem Table Sign Pattern I had a job once, I think....Many years ago in a galaxy far far away.  I've been retired for about 15 years and loving every minute of it.  When you think back on it, it's funny how many problems you were involved in or had to solve over the years. Now I can do pretty much whatever I want.  Don't be afraid of retirement.  This sign says it all.  I cut mine from cherry and mounted it on an improvised top layer of cherry from the off cut.  I sat the whole thing on a thin slab of sapele to finish it off. Get free pattern at my website: http://baggetta.com/pebooks/puzzle_patterns.htm

Retired Not My Problem Image Small.jpg

Posted (edited)

I like both the sentiment and the art that you created to express that sentiment. 

A couple of my friends will soon be retiring and there is a good chance I will use your pattern to make them a gift.

Problem: I could not find the pattern on your WEB site.  The FREE PATTERNS link did not work and this particular pattern did not appear to be shown for any of the links that did work.

Edited by Frank Pellow
can't find the pattern
34 minutes ago, meflick said:

Hey @Frank Pellow Frank, not sure what the problem is with Al's site for you. I was able to go there, go to the Free patterns link and this pattern is the first one there.  Here is a direct link to the pattern its self on Al's site.  See if this works for you. http://baggetta.com/pebooks/Free_RetiredNoMyProblem/Retired Not My Problem Pattern.pdf


Thanks Melanie, that worked fine. 😀  (by the way, the link I mentioned above still does not work for me)


Thanks for the comments. Trying to come up with some different ideas. Sorry about the connection problem. No explanation. Seems to be working for me. Only had one other person with the same problem. Thanks for helping out.

Al  B

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