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Fizzle Instead of Fireworks So Far


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Big 3 day event every year in a nearby beach town.  Always held July 2, 3, 4.  This year landing right in the middle of a week.  But then again, so was last year and I did very well my first year at this event.  But this year it has been well below.  Looking forward to the next couple of years when July 4th falls on Saturday, then Sunday, then Monday making for long weekends.

Day 1, sold 35 versus 43 last year

Day 2, sold 10, very slow sales then pop-up storms showed up, which was great as the heat was unbearable and it gave me an excuse to pack up and come home.

Day 3 coming up.  Big parade, then big crowd.  We'll see if anyone is spending money today.

All vendors are wondering what's going on.  Not just this event but many others.  Plenty of people, but very little spending.

Good news is the new leash holders are getting a lot of attention and I took orders for 4 of them Tuesday.

We'll see how the final day goes...





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I do wish you an improvement for today!

Your puzzles are always nice. 

I really like the Banner!


I have mixed feelings about laser work. It is beautiful; but, not hand work! I think that should be a separate category of woodworking. Like cnc's- Somehow to me they take something away from the authenticity of the product!

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Hey Gang,

Exhausting 3 days.  Day 1 was "OK" as reported, day 2 was extreme heat followed by storms causing me to shut down at 2pm.  Counting it as a total wash-out.  Day 3 yesterday was solid.  Finished the 3 days selling 86 puzzles, down from 132 last year, but right at the 43 or 44 per day not counting the wash-out day.

Next year will be better with July 4th being on Saturday, the event will be Thursday, Friday, Saturday whereas this year it was Tue, Wed, Thu.

The new leash holders were well received and I took orders for 6 of them to make.  I'm able to offer 4 different color hooks... Brass colored cup hook or can go with "J" hook in silver, antique brass or black.



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