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the box pattern original by Steve Good, changed it up to make them personnal for the orders.the frog and butterfly pattern is from Steve Goods site.

The ring pattern is from Steve Good site, ring is zebra wood, finished in beeswax, the boxes are birch and 1/4 red oak inside (backing) outside stained in maple the backers stained in walnut.


great patterns


thanks Steve


Hello Jim, I don't know how you did the colored picture on the box on the top but it belongs on the sistine chaple ceilng with michael angelo's :) other works.superb job.I'd love to see a works in progress on that fine job.Your amazing!Is the ring wood burnt,who'd have ever thought of to burn a ring .You are something else with these brainstorm ideas!Made your first million yet.Once you do the second ones easyer!Great job Jim.


Kevin, thanks man, no the ring isnt burned, the ring is zebra wood, it has the stripes like zebras,

will be making another box today for the radio dj's that i made the keychains and portraits for, plus im trying to get them to have a contest for the radio listeners, to win a free family of 4 scroll saw portrait.

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