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Karate: Respect and Confidence When I saw the movie "The Karate Kid" many years ago, I was impressed with the theme.  Most people think of Karate as only a weapon, but the movie impressed upon the viewer that it was more than that.  It was pictured as a whole way of life and the elements of respect and confidence were a part of that life.  I thought it would make a nice table sign, so here it is.  The lettering has an Asian look to it and I attached a dragon's head to the right side of the the sign.  It is cut from cherry wood, but sits upon a custom cut top layered base of curly maple and that in turn sits upon a rectangular mahogany base. Used a round over router bit to shape the edges. Makes a nice piece for the student of the art. Free patter can be downloaded from my Free Pattern Page: http://baggetta.com/pebooks/puzzle_patterns.htm
NEW VIDEO: I recently had a request for a small half urn that can be used as part of A craft project.  I decided to make the urn using a compound cut, so I designed a small pattern and worked out a system for cutting these Half Urns.  I thought maybe someone else might like to use the idea, so I offer the pattern here and also made a video of the process you can check out on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASDmwqOwyKo&t=24s

Karate Pattern2 Image Small.jpg

Urn Photo Small.jpg

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