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Hey yall, made these the last couple days, the box, original pattern by steve good, changed it up to make it personnal, key chain pattern maker by steve good, portrait pattern by me


box is birch, key chain is red oak 1/2 inch, portrait pine, frame birch,


Great work on them Jim, im sure the Radio station will love them. Hope you get a good plug out of it and it generates a lot of orders.

Gives me an idea of something I can do for my local radio station .. but I can imagine what my partner would say if she see's me starting another project when I have others I havent finished yet.


I was sure i commented on these gem's. You go all out for your customers Jim.know wonder your so busy!I'm going to have to operate two scroll saws at the same time to even get close to your accomplishments.You must go to the bank with a wheelbarrow! :)


Oges, go to your local stations website, and get a pic from it of the djs, thats what i did for the first time, and then i took them to the morning show djs, they loved it, also use the pattern by steve good (his merry christmas box) and make your own pattern of the stations logo/motto, the dj's and one of the owners of the station, loved the box, i used 1/2 inch birch for them, and the top lid piece and bottom piece is the same size,


dw, thanks man, we will get a plug prolly tomorrow, we kindof gotten to the station late, about quittin time for the morning crew....


pics of the dj me and my wife below


sad to say i bent my knees a bit so i wouldnt stand so tall, well i still look like a giant with them 2 short persons, lmaooooooooooooo

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