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Hello everybody!

I recently purchased a Wen scroll saw and some blades to go along with it. I've got it mounted to a 3/4" plywood board with some foam between the machine and the board. I clamp it to my work table. Been working well so far!

I've cut out a name I patterned in MS Word, an ornament from Steve Good's patterns, and a Halloween decoration so far. Biggest mistake so far is forgetting the tape on the wood before gluing on the pattern (D'OH!)

I purchased this tool to begin my woodworking journey while living out of an apartment and as a side-business kind of thing for some extra income. Can anybody recommend some must-have accessories/tools to accompany this hobby? Already I'm thinking about getting a drill guide in lieu of a drill press for straight hole drilling. I have a dremel that I'll use for getting the burrs off when they occur. 

I'm glad to be here and look forward to participating in the community!

Have a great day!



Welcome to the forum.
Depending on what type of scroll work you are imagining right now, I think a palm sander would be a great investment and
they can be purchased really cheaply.

Looking forward to seeing some of your work.

God Bless! Spirithorse


Welcome Chris. Good quality scroll saw blades (plain end) such as Olson. A flex shaft and fine drill bits for starting hole entry for the blade. A crepe eraser for cleaning blade (thong from dollar store works). A wax stick to help eliminate wood burning. Your inventory of tools will build as your passion grows and as more suggestions follow.  Happy csrolling.  


Welcome to the Village Chris.  You and I have both learnt something new today, I have never heard of a crepe eraser before and I have been scrolling for about 20 years.  ;)



Welcome to the Village. :)

Swing arm,  magnifying light. Mounted to the table not the saw.

plunge router attachment for the Dremel (to drill straight holes).

Dry erase board on the wall behind the saw, to take notes or for reminders


Welcome to The Village. Always happy when I see someone new log on. I hope you will find this an interesting, helpful and fun site and causes you to log on often. If you do, I promise you that in a short time you will have many new friends and find yourself advancing in your new skill from the help you will receive here, if only you ask. Be sure and check everything offered here and again you will be glad you took the time to do so. The biggest help I believe that new scrollers learn, is to use the correct blades. Blades are kind of like cars or food, in as much as everyone seems to have their own favorite ones. But buy you blades on line and not in the big box stores as they do not carry the ones you will need. Ask if you need more help finding where and what to buy in the way of blades. 



Posted (edited)

Thank you for the warm welcome everyone! I did purchase sand paper and, having sanded on some of these, I think a palm sander is a definite must. I hadn't thought about a crepe eraser for getting the adhesive off of the blades. I kinda thought they are pseudo-disposable and need changing regularly anyway (1-3 hours of sawing use each). I'll definitely check it out!

I've ordered some Olson pinned blades and Flying Dutchman unpinned that I've been using on the broad/fine cuts respectively. I'm surprised the Flying Dutchman blades, with such small 'tines' can do the work of the much more robust looking pinned blades.

I will definitely look into the plunge router attachment for the dremel. That'll have more uses than only straight hole drilling moving forward. Thank you for the suggestion!

Below are my first projects (in no particular order) from patterns I've found online. The name (Miles, but it's upside down) I'd modified and printed out from MS Word. Wanted to give it a go and see how that might work for a name puzzle stool. I think letters need to be closer so I'll be tweaking that one some.

I'm working on some patterns of my own for 3D dinosaurs (similar to the snowman below) and one of those family name welcome signs for my parents. I'll post my pterodactly once I've got it finalized with the cutouts sized properly for printing.

Looking forward to working with you all and learning and sharing!

20191006_091646 - Copy.jpg

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20191006_091637 - Copy.jpg

Edited by HereToScroll
Noted the name picture is upside down

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