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4 hours ago, spirithorse said:

Here is a photo of an out-door awning project that my wife and I completed recently.
Mind you, I am 64 years old and my wife is slightly younger and we finished this in 7 days.
It is approximately 14' wide by 22' long. Handling those 14' 2' x 6' x 14' rafters was a bit of
a work-out but, we managed well for a couple of novices.

I don't know who the old geezer is having a smoke on our newly completed deck but,
I suppose that just shows that it serves its purpose to have a comfortable place to sit
out-side and still be sheltered.

It has a standing ridge metal roof which extends beneath the gutters on the sun room on the
right side and the gutters on the house in the back. The front side extends about 19 inches
over the posts and the left edge extends about 24" beyond the posts.

Thanks for looking and God Bless! Spirithorse



Man,that,s more work than I could handle.Looks great too.You did a good job!!!

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