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Hello my name is Faye and I’m brand new to scroll saw village. I have a scan n cut. I also do embroidery. Currently working on baby quilt. I have used saws a little in the past. But I am excited to learn now. 


Hello Faye and welcome to the Village. You noted you have a Scan n Cut paper cutter. I also have electronic paper cutters. A lot of patterns from paper cutting and scroll sawing can be used with the other medium. You didn’t mention having a Scroll Saw though. Do you have one now or looking to buy one soon?


Welcome Faye,  by any chance do you live in the state of Washington? From Arizona I send the message that you log on often and if you do, you will soon understand that we are a big family here that love to help and share with each other. If you have any scrolling questions, be sure and ask them, as we love to help each other, no matter their  skill level



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