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So, last year was my first year doing Autumn Topsail about an hour from home.  2 day event, I sold 180 puzzles, it was CRAZY!  My best event ever.  This year approached, I cut, cut, cut, cut... the weather forecast looked beautiful... then Nestor formed in the gulf and decided to come for a visit.  Fortunately Saturday was dry until 4pm, but then overnight rain and wind made it not so good for Sunday so I chose not to set back up. (and it's a good thing since my Jeep broke down on the way to the venue Sunday as my wife headed there to enjoy the event as shoppers). 

Anyway, my new key/leash holders are continuing to do well and using a new display rack to show them.  I sold 72 puzzles and took orders for 11 leash holders.  I've gotten them cut, I just need to get the hooks on them and get them shipped out.  Photo of some them done along with a custom one requested by a local shopper with their dogs name in the body... say hi to Rocky.

4 holiday events to go this year... 4 Saturdays in a row starting Nov 23.



2 hours ago, rdatelle said:

Glad you did pretty good Iggy. To bad about Nester.  Those dog key leash holders look great. Does Harvey put the names on them for you or is that something you can do yourself.

Thanks Ralph.  I use Harvey's non-puzzle version patterns unless a custom name is requested like ROCKY in which case I get Harvey to draw it up for me, he charges $20 and I pass that on to the customer.

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