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Hi , village scrollers

iam a newbie scroller , and just  wondering what blades sizes do you use for puzzles , and  also for portrait pictures , as I have never tried puzzles or portrait pictures . Also what finshes you use?  . On any projects that I have done so far I have used Danish oil  . 

Also in future would like to design own drawings , how do I go about doing this ?. I have a Apple Mac pc?  

Sorry for many questions !  

Cheers buff pekin


For jigsaw puzzles in 1/8 or 1/4” plywood I use Olson 2/0 blades. For stand up puzzles in 3/4” and up, I use Flying Dutchman Polar blades in sizes 3, 5 and 7 depending on density of the wood. I try to use a #3 to keep the kerf narrow so the pieces fit tighter but if it is a very hard wood a larger blade is necessary. 
Flying Dutchman has Their Superior Puzzle blades which are a size 3/0  for cutting jigsaw puzzles in 1/8” and 1/4 but I find they are very hard to control, which is why I use the Olson 2/0 blades.


As far as "puzzles", there are multiple styles: jigsaw, freestanding, tray, etc. 

Choice of blade depends on how big you want the kerf. For jigsaw, I use a Flying Dutchman Superior Puzzle because I want a tiny kerf. Tray puzzles for kids, use a bigger blade so the pieces wiggle a bit. 

Don't do stand ups, but the folks that do, use a blade that allows even more freedom of movement. 

Most important on puzzles is make sure your blade and table are 90 degrees and you don't push to deflect the blade.

Hope this helps.

1 hour ago, dgman said:

For jigsaw puzzles in 1/8 or 1/4” plywood I use Olson 2/0 blades. For stand up puzzles in 3/4” and up, I use Flying Dutchman Polar blades in sizes 3, 5 and 7 depending on density of the wood. I try to use a #3 to keep the kerf narrow so the pieces fit tighter but if it is a very hard wood a larger blade is necessary. 
Flying Dutchman has Their Superior Puzzle blades which are a size 3/0  for cutting jigsaw puzzles in 1/8” and 1/4 but I find they are very hard to control, which is why I use the Olson 2/0 blades.


1 hour ago, Jim McDonald said:

As far as "puzzles", there are multiple styles: jigsaw, freestanding, tray, etc. 

Choice of blade depends on how big you want the kerf. For jigsaw, I use a Flying Dutchman Superior Puzzle because I want a tiny kerf. Tray puzzles for kids, use a bigger blade so the pieces wiggle a bit. 

Don't do stand ups, but the folks that do, use a blade that allows even more freedom of movement. 

Most important on puzzles is make sure your blade and table are 90 degrees and you don't push to deflect the blade.

Hope this helps.


1 hour ago, dgman said:

For jigsaw puzzles in 1/8 or 1/4” plywood I use Olson 2/0 blades. For stand up puzzles in 3/4” and up, I use Flying Dutchman Polar blades in sizes 3, 5 and 7 depending on density of the wood. I try to use a #3 to keep the kerf narrow so the pieces fit tighter but if it is a very hard wood a larger blade is necessary. 
Flying Dutchman has Their Superior Puzzle blades which are a size 3/0  for cutting jigsaw puzzles in 1/8” and 1/4 but I find they are very hard to control, which is why I use the Olson 2/0 blades.


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