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Hello everyone.. Long time sawyer.. First time imernet forum poster thingy guy.. Just wanted to say hi and introduce myself.. Been scrolling for ten years or so and frequent this site for reference quite a bit so thanks for all yer posts, they have been very helpful.. I should prolly post this message in a different forum but hopefully people can find it when they do a search for sanding scroll work.. I recently did some trade work for about 1500 board feet of kiln dried cherry ash and ambrosia maple ( beautiful wood) so I decided to buy a bandsaw to resaw the wood to thickness for scroll/fretwork and got interest in making bandsaw boxes.. Lots of fun to make.. Pain in the rear to sand..anyway, I found these sanding balls at harbor frieght . They are basically scocth brite pads shaped into a ball and mounted to a 1/4 inch post to use in a drill or drill press,to use on the boxes which work ok(. I tried the medium and fine grit)... However .. As I was trying to sand of burn marks off the bandsaw boxes from my router I got to thinking how soft the balls were and had a light bulb moment!.. I grabbed some pieces of a clock that I'm making and held in under the sanding ball.. It worked GREAT!!!... I sanded even delicate 1/8 inch fretwork finials w a backer board and it worked perfect..great for buffing shellac too!! Had I found these years ago I would have saved a whole buttload of time...I've tried many different sanding techniques, needle files/ sanding wheels / disc/ emeryboards/ you name it..these balls for 4.99 work perfect...So..not that great for bandsaw boxes but perfect for sanding scroll-work..hope this post didn't bore anyone and like I said I should prolly post this in a sanding forum but maybe one of y'all can try one and post yer results.. Back to the woodshop!!..happy scrolling !!

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