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Anniversary Present


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For our anniversary (last Saturday the 30th) my wife wanted me to get the Pegas blade clamps I had been wanting. They were in the mailbox when we got back from KC! Thanks Denny for such fast service! I think I saw a video on the installation, so I can install them before we go!


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I do love them! Put them on Monday and cut with them all week. It seems to be faster to go from one hole to the next...? I don't fumble to get the blade in the right spot and pushed back, it's just quick and natural. Real smooth also. And my saw is just sitting on a piece of 3/4" ply that is sitting on the metal bolt together stand. It will probably be even better when I bolt the top to the stand...and bolt the saw to the top.

And besides...They're RED !  🤣

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