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Holiday Sales


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Well, it's slowing down now with the sales.. I'm enjoying my slow day today with only about 20 orders that I packed this morning.. I know it's not over for the year yet for me but close enough that I know that no way will Etsy sales and revenue catch up to what happened on Amazon.. LOL.. Etsy sales was down about 14% over last year but revenue was only around 8% lower.. Amazon kept me busy with about 40% more sales this year over last.. and revenue was way up too.. Kinda looking forward to a week or two of doing absolutely nothing, LOL.. I do have some custom / personalized orders that I pushed out until after the new year.. customers still wanted them soo I raised up the cost and pushed them out past the holidays.. they still order so I'll take it.. Taking a short break first though, LOL

After the new year I suppose I need to build up my Amazon inventory.. Etsys too but I have hardly anything left on Amazon.. Did't sell a whole lot of clocks on Amazon.. Etsy out sold them for clocks.. but ornaments was a tough one to keep up with inventory and packing the orders.. No idea how many ornaments sold this year but it was an insane amount just on Amazon.. LOL

Even though I did well on Amazon... most of the talk in the amazon forums is it was way slow.. many talking about shutting down their store.. Maybe they needed to change up inventory or something.. not sure... Even though I did well on Amazon.. doesn't mean I like that site any better.. The site for sellers is NOT user friendly at all and the way they pay out your money is stupid.. I'll be well into January  maybe even Feb. before they get all my money to my bank.. LOL 

Edited by kmmcrafts
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3 hours ago, Denny Knappen said:

Congrats n the good sales, Kevin.  Too bad Amazon holds your money sooo long.

Thanks Denny,  Amazon holding my money isn't a huge deal to me as I eventually get it, LOL... Lot's of people do not sell there because of the payout taking so long.. that and the site is very old school as in HTML coding to make it look nice and clean.. You don't " need " it.. but if you don't everything is crammed together and hardly makes sense of the listing pages... LOL

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