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1 hour ago, scrollingforsanity said:

Paul how many blades have you used now on this project. It looks great by the way. Can't believe you are using that darned old Hegner when you have that fine Seyco sitting right next to it. Lol. just kidding you. I know you like the Hegner. 

I have used at least a dozen, maybe more.  When doing this kind of cutting, a sharp blade is your friend, for sure.   If I could, I would sell my Seyco and buy another Hegner..... Not really the Seyco is a good saw.  I just like the "feel" of the Hegner, better.  Like liking the feel of an old car over a newer one....Us old designs have to stick together.


Well darn.... I have noticed what I think is a flaw in the pattern.  Looks like I will do a little re-cutting.  If you look at the picture here, I think the profile at the ends of the front/back and the ends of the side should match.  They do not.  I have gone back and looked a pictures of this box on the finescrollsaw site, and most followed the pattern and I don't think it looks correct.  One person looks like they made the profiles match and I think it looks correct.... So I am going to re-cut the sides and I have cut and pasted the end profiles from the front/back pieces to the side pieces so all will match up.  I wish I had noticed this earilier, but hey, it is only about 4 hours of cutting....




What I am arguing with "me" about this,  should I point this out to Pedro,  or not...?  I have cut and pasted and in the process of re-cutting and looking at what I did, I know it is the way it should be... But many before me have done it the pattern way,,, maybe they are correct.. I am wrong...  Oh, well. If anyone that likes these patterns and cuts them, please contact me and we can discuss this.  I love the work Pedro does, I have cut some of his pattern and intend to cut many more.  He has had some trying time lately do to illness, so I do not want to challenge him in any way.  Not a biggy, a beautiful box (I think) which ever way it is cut.


If you can contact Pedro an point out your question I would. If it is a mistake I would think he would want to fix it.  I was doing one of Carol’s bowls and for the life of me couldn’t get it to come out the way the instructions said. I contacted her and found out I over looked the step about enlarging the pattern. Point is the pattern makers want us to have good results so we come back. 


Just thought I would update.  Making progress.  Re-cut two sides so the end profiles at the ends would match.  Sanded and started fitting the sides together.  It is going well, one more side to fit.  After it is fitted, I will take it apart again and glue it all up.  The I put in the inside veneer, apply finish and done.  Another week....




Looks great, Paul!
I don't know what I would have done if I had to look forward to an extra 4 hours of cutting or just use what I had already cut.

I think I would do as you chose to do and re-cut because every time I looked at it, I would notice and regret it if I had not re-cut.

I'm trying to wrap my head around WHY the profiles won't match if cut as designed. If they had been stack cut, cutting all except the
slots, then cut two slots from the top and two from the bottom,  would the profiles would have been correct?

Fantastic work on a beautiful project! Thanks for the up-dates.

God Bless! Spirithorse


@spirithorse if one had noticed the problem, yes.  I don't like to stack cut over 1/2" material, so I blindly stacked two fronts/backs and stacked cut two sides.... when I got got done was when I noticed something was not right.  So I made another copy of the front/back then changed the slots on the pattern and re-cut.  I don't mind, I like doing this, I just hated wasting the Maple wood.  I still have to cut the front/back/sides in 1/4" BB to utilize the 1/4" BB  backers I used when I cut the top and bottom.....  Good thing I like cutting fretwork... And my next planned projects are fretwork of this kind..... It is my thing, just like others enjoy cutting puzzles, making toys, or portraits,,,, we do what we like to do....😉


Thanks for the reply @Scrappile

I did realize the thickness of wood and wasn't questioning your method of cutting.

Like I said, I was just trying to wrap my head around the profiles, the pattern design,
and how I can make sure to scrutinize my work before making the cuts.

Wanted to let you know I was not questioning your way of doing your project.
It is beautifully done.

God Bless! Spirithorse

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