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I finished the Golden Retriever pattern I made , but I need some advice . I was wanting to know if some of you could help me out with pricing these pictures. I have had friends here tell me I am not charging enough for my work. So I was wanting some advice or or any input would be greatly appreciated. Should I charge more for pictures that have a lot more detail in them or what. Charge more depending on size , I am kind of lost. I charge 55 dollars for a 8 by 10 picture that is including frame which I make also. I do 12 by 12 and 11 by 14 in. pictures also. I charge 65 for the 12 by 12 and 80 dollars for the 11 by 14. Please any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. I put the one German Shepherd picture I did with the Golden Retriever to compare the two. The German Shepherd took about 2 1/2 hours to cut and the Golden Retriever took 5 hours to cut. Thanks in advance for any help the SSV family can give. Eagledrum70 :confused:


I charge more for more detail. I've been told I don't charge enough too but the people saying it don't buy. I have my prices set to were I make money but I also sell things. Not everyone can afford to buy Art. I price my new stuff a little high then if I haven't sold it in the next 10 shows I put it on sale. Then it sales. My custom work prices are set for sizes as a base price and will go up depending on detail involved. Haven't had a problem yet with customers. I quote a price high then can work down with them and they feel like they got a deal. I end up getting what I want most of the time. Hope this helps.




My question to you is...What is your time worth? $10.00 a hour $15.00 a hour, $20.00? I would suggest that you figure out your material cost first, then figure out how much time it is going to take you to complete the project. That should be your price of the project. Include design time in that as well.


By they way that is some fantastic work. It would take me probably 40 times longer to cut those, I am a slow cutter.


Thanks Andrew and Chris for your input I really appreciate . Thanks for comments on pictures also . One question , do you guys charge a hourly rate when figuring price and if so how much do yall charge roughly ? I understand if you don't want to say exactly how much. Thanthanx.gifks Eagledrum70


I am just getting into selling my work myself so I am still trying to figure it out myself. But I am charging between 70 and 80.00 for a custom portrait depending on subject and complexity. I am still working out how long it takes for me to complete a project, I never really kept track before, because I wasn't charging, but now that I am moving in that direction I am working it out. I know the ballpark fingure I want to be around but like I said I am still feeling things out my self. I think you should be starting at around 20.00 an hour or so. Figure that out and then see what the price point is. Remember it is always easier to come down on price than it is to go up in price.


Things that come to mind in priceing for me is .What does a photographer charge for a 8x11 framed and un framed.And what about a sizzor cut silowette 8x11 .then there's the hand carved portrait and a clay bust of someone.Pencil or pastel drawings,oil paintings any thing that depicts a portrait all have a base price which i know nothing about but am sure it's up there somewhere.Keeping those in mind we need to be competitive with our priceing.Just a thought. :)


I'm always told I don't charge enough but when I try to put my prices up no one wants to buy its always a catch 22 situation I might get it right one day. :confused: Your dogs are great well done on the patterns and cuttings. :thumbs:




There's no set rules on this one, lots of factors come into it. Depending on the area you live it, people may not be able to afford a high price. Im going to start trying to get into selling soon and will work out a price based on what I think it would sell at and a price I think was worth my time. But im not doing this as a business or income, im just trying to make a little extra money where I can.

Hope you can figure out a price Glenn and that the sales go well for you.


Glen, for portraits i charge 25 for a 1 person, 35 for 2. 45 for 3. and go on from there, but i usually give discounts to family and friends, i am part of a chatroom on aol, been involved with it for 9 yrs or so, made some good friends, and i email out pics of finished stuff, got quite a few orders. sold some boxes for 35.00 and up all depends on the detail

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