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Hi im so glad I found this sight!!! I"ll be 62 in march and iv been doing some sort of wood working since I was in my early 20s. I am not however an expert woodworking... I taught myself how to do wood work of various  kinds from books iv read and practice. I recently acquired a lath and im reading on that now.  My boy friend helps me with routing. I hope to get my router and table put in my wood shop soon but its not something I need right away as we have a smaller router that my boyfriend uses to rout things for me now.   I also recently acquired a lath that im reading up on now and hope to start practicing with soon.  And what does a loving man give his lady for valintines day?   Why a table saw of course!!! Ha ha Thank you so much for allowing me on the sight. Most of my internet frends just call me Dragon. Proubly because I love them so much and collect them, but if your not comfortable with that my human name is Helen lol 


Welcome to the Village Dragon! There are lots of women here at the Village so you have come to the right forum. We are all willing to help when you have a question or problem, and we love pictures of project!


Welcome, You really did your self a favor finding us!!! I learned everything I know form the forums! In any forum you can go back in time to see what was talked about then. Just click on the bottom page number and even go back all the way to the begginning of SSV.Welcome again. Keep coming back and be a regular!!! Pictures of dragons please!!!


Another Tennessee welcome. Glad you joined us. Look forward to seeing some of your work. Lucky for me, my hubby was already a wood worker with a lot of the toys, err tools 😉 including the table saw. When the table saw is needed, I let him do the cutting. I like my hands 😉🤨


Thanks everyone!  I defently feel welcomed!  Yes I was very surprised to get the table saw. Now heres the funny thing. Spike ( boyfriend) got it all set up for me and started telling me how to use it. Now this was nice as im always willing to have him show me how to do things so I don't have to read the directions!  any way every time I go into my wood shop he tells me to be careful as if you don't pay attention to what your doing you could loose a finger, hand and so forth. never mind iv been using power tools for decaids .lol now heres the funny part I needed a large piece of 1/4 inch panel cut to usuable size but I was also working on putting something else together and crocheting and I had a sewing project on the sewing machine so he decided to cut the piece for me.  A few minutes later I saw him with the first aide kit.  Someone wasn't paying attention to what he was doing and cut out a nifty chunk out of his finger!!  He really should have gone to ER to get stitches but my spike is from the old school and he don't run to the ER every time he gets hurt.  So we just cleaned it out and kept pressure on it until the bleeding slowed down then wrapped it up. sigh  MEN!!! gezzz  anyway im keeping an eye on it and making sure he changes the bandage every day. I told him if it started getting infected id make him go to the ER, he promply look at me laughed and said oh?  Did I mention my spike is 6 foot 4 ?  hes shunk an inch or so over the  years. lol  me im almost 5 foot 2. lol  its nice to know there are girls here to!  my poor father never could come to grips with the fact that when he needed help bulding things it was his daughter not his sons he should call. lol Mom and the boys would wait until he was busy or something and then call me on the phone. lol Your fathers building such and such could you come over and an  by the way bring your what ever tool he needed and didn't have. lol I don't know how many excuess I made for just happing to have just what he needed when I came over. lol Now getting him to let me doing the sawing ( you would thinik one of those males could saw a straight line. ) that took a little doing. lol every once in a while mom would yell at him and tell him it was my saw so I proubly knew how to use it and to let me saw the piece. lol   ok the pictures lol you know I have tons of pictures of stuff iv made. lol you could regret asking to see pictures. let me look around a bit and find the place where you put pictures then I upload a few. lol I don't want to upload pictures in the wrong place.  


Welcome to the Village Dragon. The people here are great and always happy to help. I also have a table saw - never used it - never will use it, scared to death of it, love all my digits and I don't plan to lose any to the table saw.

So please be careful.



Welcome to the village.  there is a lot to learn here and you will come along fine and giving out advice befor you inow it. I have been in scrolling for many years have a lot of the other tools that just gather dust. I just love scrolling these other tools don't matter . you get scrolling in yur blood odther wood work don't matter


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