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LOL Fedido,  I can't do math either. lol We live about 15 minutes from johnsons workbench and I once went in to to fill our a job application.  They sort of knew me because Id been going there off and on for years to get supplys. Well anyway they gave me a test to take and I looked at it and if was all math!!!  Well I knew right then and there I wasn't going to get a job there. lol So I took the test back in and told them Id changed my mind. Since like I said they sort of knew me they asked why? It seemed to them that  this would be a great job for me. When I told them I can't do math they wanted to know well like how much math could I do. Sorry to say I can bairly do first -second grade math. I even have a spical tape measure that has what all those little lines between the numbers means. lol spike made me a wood size gage thingy for me by cutting small squires of wood out of the main woods I work with and wrote down on them what sized wood they are the thickness of them lol I have memorized those so don't have to really look at it anymore. lol  Then they asked just HOW did I manage to do woodworking and scrolling with out math? lol befor spike made me the wood gage thingy id just look at the picture of  the finished project and then find a piece of wood that looked about like what was In the picture. lol  so  thanks for  shareing now I know im not the only one who has to just sort of wing it when im doing my crafting lol


thank you kevin.  a few years ago I did sell my stuff on ebay.  I didn't make any money at it though as I never know how much to charge and we always lost money on shipping.  after I make a few more boxes of crafts I might try selling them again....since right now they just sit in my craft room in boxes until somebody comes over and asks if they can look through the boxes to see if theres anything in them they might want.  mostlyl family and there friends everybody likes to get free stuff. lol  and thank you for letting me know what you think of them

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