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ok my computer ate the first post I did here before I could send it so lets try this again !!!! the topic star trek...I am and have been for decades a huge star trek fan. Iv found a lot of patterns in different mediums that are star trek...such as crocheting the crews.  and iv made several of them and will no doupt make more. Now what I want to do is make a shelf that looks like the orginal enterprise to put all my little people ect on.  this is of course for my own personal use as are all the star trek things iv made.   right now my little people are just in a box collecting dust! ha ha… now I know I can't ask anyone here to make a pattern for me but would it be alright if someone here gave me ideas on how to make the pattern myself?   like what im thinking is if I can find a side view of the enterprise and blew it up cut it out and then just put some shelves on the different parts would that look alright?  it doesn't have to be perfect since its just for my use but I would like it to look half way decent. lol and when I make the shelves should I keep the all just straight rectangle shelves or try to make the shelves the same shape of as the part of the ship im going to put it on? like making the saucer section kind of round to match up with side view of the saucer section im going to put it on?  Now to the instructions of the pattern making class's Its going to take me a very long time to go through these classes....and hopefuly understand some of what im doing. lol iv read the first 2 lessons of how to make portrat type patterns and iv downloaded the program but im going to have to read those 2 lessons again and then copy the lessons...written long hand as I don't see any way to print t hem out on the printer  so I can read it as I try to do the stuff in the lessons. lol well lthats it for now....just don't yell if asking for help to try to make the pattern myself is against the rules to. lol  if it is just say hey sorry but we can't help you make your own patterns either. lol now I have to get started on the day.....at least for a little while before I hop on here again. lol 


Hi, Dragonkort,
I think the shelf would look better if you did make a rounded 1/2 saucer shape but, that is just my opinion.

I think, if you left click the mouse and drag it over the portion of the lesson you need to recall and then
right click the mouse you will get a pop up window and one option is COPY.

Copy the text and paste it into word or something similar to print it.

Good luck with your lessons, good luck with your project, and God Bless! Spirithorse

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