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the ark of the covanet...


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ok here are the pictures of the much talked about ark of the covenet. SDC15750.thumb.JPG.8e6df93df01f5463a4a246375f5f084e.JPGSDC15755.thumb.JPG.f913b67015152576668a9e0ed3b20e6a.JPGnow I didn't have the sized wood the pattern called for so I had to do some impermizing. frist the ark itself and the angles on top are made from the 1/4 in wood I think the pattern called for.  how ever the people are made from 3/4 in pine I think it is....much thicker then the pattern  called for but it did allow me to do a little carving  on them. now I didn't figure in the difference in the wood   when I was making this so of course when it came time to put the ark on to the pole the men were carrying it didn't fit!! lol  so I had to think of a way for the ark supports to fit on the pole..so what I came up with is to put some little 1/4 inch pieces of wood on the poles so that the ark supports would rest it on nicely.  now I wouldn't have had to do that IF I had relized soon that the ark wouldn't rest on the pole thingys. and as you can see the supports have little notches cut into them so I couldn't just rest it on the pole if that makes any sense because people would wounder why those notches were cut  out in the first place.LOL   then we have the picture of the inside of the ark.....you can't see it very well but theres 2 wood stone tablets inside for the 10 commandemets.  the stick is for arrons staff and then the little bowl for the manna...thse two were not in the pattern but I stuck them in there anyway. lol now if you've never made clothspin dolls you wont regonize what the bowl really is so i'll tell you. when you make clothspin dolls there are little stands you put the clothspin doll into so they will stand. the bowl for the mannan is made from one of those, with a small piece of cardboard closing the bottom. since I have no idea what manna looks like I left the bowl empty. I of course could not sell these since they weren't made right but I made the ark of the covenant for my oldest daughter for her birthday and then of course I had to make one for myself.  lol and one had to go to Ritia for her wedding gift for her grandson. ….. so after all that wait I hope your not to disappointed in finished project. SDC15754.thumb.JPG.3f1b15fe1b51019dc6acaf19eec9b1a5.JPGSDC15753.thumb.JPG.079bd2aa81032311830d86468f1536e4.JPGSDC15752.thumb.JPG.b2551f33932eb6e9766d33031fad3426.JPG


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You know Dragonkort , You taught me a lesson and answered a question I had for a long time!!! Thank you!!!! Second first because I forgot what the lesson was is, I had no Idea what they put in the ark! Man I can't remember the lesson and it was only a few seconds ago. Maybe it will come to me, hang on. Back to the Ark, your making me want to read the Bible again.Now who got the best Ark your daughter or you. Yes improvising with wood is tricky but lessons are learned the hard way like that, how well I know, lol I'm very happy you found the ark pictures again as I longed to see more of your work, very nice at that too!!! How many times have I cut something and never thought of the wood size as being inappropriate! Wow, you put your heart an soul into this project an I'm sure this will be a good conversation piece in their home for years to come. Have you started a gallery here of your own? I have over 500 things I made in mine here in SSV, Plus 60,000 in my three computers. When I'm feeling down I can just go back from day one and admire all the projects I made since 2004. I used to do the same with my airbrush projects on tee shirts and cars from 1986 till 2006. You've come a long way!!! It will be a sad day when you can't create so until then keep your enlightening great work coming friend!!!!

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Nicely done!
One improvision you could have made for the different thickness of wood
would have been to make notches in the poles the people are holding that would
have matched the slots you already had in the ark.
I'm just mentioning that for future reference if you make another or if you make
changes to other patterns in the future. Your solution works just as well.

Thanks for sharing and God Bless! Spirithorse

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