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well the pictures didn't come out as good as I had hoped they would but this is the stuff I cut out today, none of which is finished.  the little people are the delwalt scroll saw people to hold the arm of the saw up when your changing blades or doing fret work.  I have a few ideas on how to finish these. one is and I don't know I f t his will work....but trying to take a small picture of my face for the girl and a small face of spike for the boy and then using modpodge to glue seal the pictures to the face.. then since this is not a nudest colloney  these litte people will need some cloths!!  lol im not  sure if im going to just paint them on or try to use cloth to make the cloths....either way it should be safe since your saw should be off if your lifting the scroll saw arm up. those two will be for me and spike lol i'll just paint some kind of face on the other ones and then put cloths on them when I figure out which works better.  now the little animals, chickens and pigs I cut out to put into the plastic canvas barns I m ade a few weeks week ago, which are still sitting on the kitchen counter .lol spike would like me to get them off the counter some day! lol so after I get them sanded and painted they will go in there little barns and then put into there perspective boxes. now last but not least are 2 envelope openers im making out of pine. the dragon one will be for me...the music one will go in the box.  I have 2 more dragon envelope openers in the wood shop to cut out and then i'll see what I decide to do next in the wood department. I will us my belt sander to thin out and sharpen the knife part of the opener then do what rounding and other things to the handles before I paint them... not sure how im going to paint the music one proubly black  the dragon will most likely be green with a little red...not sure yet but no rush as it still has a bit more work to be done it ….well that's it guys . like I said im trying to keep busy right now so tomarrow I will see if I can start finisheig what I cut out today.SDC15747.thumb.JPG.2ce6f112fe5bc6c94783be5e356d5be8.JPGSDC15748.thumb.JPG.dea188bd6142ec9b8780654ad02b62ae.JPGSDC15746.thumb.JPG.f1bfbebefd3de6e4315e6ea2127505eb.JPG


loll ok  lets see i'll have to look at the pattern and try to figure out where I got so i'll know if I can put it up for,,,,,I'll try to take closer pictures of it once its finished now as to how to put the edge on them. I use my belt sander, sanding each edge at a little bit at a time on both sides, this helps thin the blade to so your blade is thiner then the handle. then sort of round over the sides of the handle...in this case the dragon, you can carve the dragon a bit if you want to an you could ingrave the blade part after your finished the sanding lowers the blade and sort of sharpens it as well....I use pine for most everything I make inclucing the envelope openers. the bades don't get sharp enough to cut you but they will cut the paper; iv used some of these in the past and the peole I sold or gave away to others have never complained about it not being strong enogh. I have several patterns for letter openers this is just the first and only dragon letter opener that iv found


ok rabidalien,  I looked on the dragon letter opener to see where I got it and I think before we do anything the experts here will have to decide if I can give you the pattern or now. the printed pattern didn't say what sight I got it from but at the bottom of the pattern it says scroll saw woodworking and crafts...I tons of this magazine and iv never seen it before so it much have come from a magazine I don't have.  somebody put the pattern  on line somewhere because that's how  I got it but I don't know if I can give it to you. I do wish when people put patterns up on line for free they would put the sight name on the bottom of the page so I know what web sight I got it from.  a lot do but then theres the  ones who don't and after I print up a pattern after im finished making the project  I put the paper pattern in a folder marked for what type of craft it is for if that makes any sense.  so as soon as the experts let me know if I can put it up or not i'll let you know.


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