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Good day fellow Artisans. My insperation for scroll saw and serious fret work came from a friend of my Dads. He produced some fine, fine work. I became only fair in comparison in my 5 years or so as an artist, and then passed my saw on to my Pops only to return recently. My options for the few $$ I had were few, knowing I still had to purchase blades, bits, and patterns. I got way lucky when I was offered a Delta 40-540, like new for a third of its cost. Came with a foot switch and after market light. It is a true pleasure to have such a smooth machine with the blade change system that is making re-entering this medium of art very easy for me, and much less frustrating than my old Craftsman 1986 model would have proved to be. I was a furniture mover for 23 years. Nuff said. I need some income via a trade that allows me to sit while working. This is it.

I am looking forward to listening and learning from all of you beginning and accomplished Artisans in the Fret / Scroll world. I will spend some time reading your forum and getting aquanted...THANK YOU AND HELLO FROM BOULDER COUNTY COLORADO.


Hey, wow, it is cool to say hello to Artists in other reaches of this world. Thank you for the welcome, it was recieved as you intended. I am off to check out your gallery now.

MUCH RESPECT....montgomery in colorado


Hello Mark, i too was an oil well worker(roughneck) in wamsutter wyoming in 1976.Yeah my moving days are done too.Deltas were my favorite's till i meet miss dw788,she's as sweet as a kitten !traded my intarsias for her straight up and not a dime out of my pocket.to another artist!you find things get easyer with great help here at ssv,scrollsawvillage!Plenty of been there done that info to help you out of a jam,scroll saw machine problems ,advice etc.I seen every question answerd fast here and with many variations from which you can choose from which all will get you there.You found gold in the forum for info and tips hints and tricks! log into the chat room before thursday so you'll have all your passwords ready to get in with java.Yeah buddy sittin downs the life now to make a buck thats for sure.you found a home now ,welcome again Mark ,i'll be lookin forward to your posts in the usergallery soon,Enjoy! :)


Thank you all for the warm welcome. I need not look any further for the inspiration and wisdom that I am reading on this forum. My shop is not heated. 18 degrees outside. So why not read through the arcives of SSV. MUCH RESPECT

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