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ok I got all the elephants painted but now I have to put the ears and tails on. so until then here are a few more pics for anyone who wants to can look at. lol the first one is a standing fret picture frame. sorry but I didn't see a picture of the back lol now the second one is a compation of 4  different projects. lol the birds are a simple bird cut out from a pillow pattern I have in a sewing mag then a welcome word cut out from a scroll saw pattern the little mouse pattern came from on of my hand emboridy  patterns . I took a scrap piece of wood andmade the backer for the welcome and the mouse to go on then used some little hook thingy and chain to make the welcome sign lol the Halloween train came out of one of my scroll saw mag, the im sure where I got the gone fishing sign lol I took apart an old microwave stand and used a piece of it to cut out the unicorn puzzle. the brown side is the outside finish that was on the microwave stand , I painted the back black so it wouldn't look to much like a recycled project.  1962708199_cherryoakxvpictureframefront.thumb.jpg.a88aa836e1c45205f685dcaa89769a66.jpg301629956_goosewelcome4a.thumb.jpg.932cf28f43da9feddba92bfa1f0cc8dc.jpg657153446_halloeentran.thumb.jpg.ba434660310e374e0fc51363a519c91d.jpg1880801027_fishstoriestoldhere.thumb.jpg.ed780d15c89ebc3ffb238b2dfd942384.jpg1034586338_helensfinishedcraftprojects-092.thumb.jpg.3c5ac487c3800b10233a90786678c41f.jpg


Very nice!


I really like that I am not the only one that does the  wild ==just because!

Some children's coloring books -sometimes have neat patterns too.  I have used some of those for many decades. 


The whole kit an ka boodle that,s what your good at. You dive in an git er done!!! You don,t take the easy way either!!! So this is how they do things in Michigan!!! All your work has your signature all over it!!! Keep your work coming, Dragonkort. 


thank you every one for kind words.....without anyone to tell me what they think espicaly good sawers like you guys I never know if what im doing is any good. lol I still show spike everything befor I put it in the craft stock boxes if what iv made is good enough to sell. lol  I was hoping to finish my pesty little elephants today but with all the materals I have in my craft room I just don't seem to have any maateral that is not only gray but the right shade of gray!!  lol I did notice however that the gray yarn im using for my plastic canvas castle is not only light gray but it matches up with the paint I used on the elephants pretty good to....so as soon as I finish the castle I will see what I can do about crocheting some ears for them. lol the tails are real easy just a short row of chain stitchs just do it.  then all I have to do is drill a small hole in the back push some of the tail through the hole and a dab of glue should hold it in place. im not quite sure how im going to attatch the ears.....im think my hot glue gun would proubly be best.  just a small line of hot glue across the top of the ear and then stick it to the side of the elephants heads.... any one else have any ideas on how to attatch the ears that might be better?  

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