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Hi,i bought a scroll saw because I like woodworking a n d im stuck at home.i was going to retire next year but but ill most likely have to work a few more years. im interested in making signs or holiday things with lettering but also like the idea of shawdow boxes with lights inside them.im new to this so any help would be great .thank you....oh I bought a dewalt 788


22 hours ago, mike olson said:

Hi,i bought a scroll saw because I like woodworking a n d im stuck at home.i was going to retire next year but but ill most likely have to work a few more years. im interested in making signs or holiday things with lettering but also like the idea of shawdow boxes with lights inside them.im new to this so any help would be great .thank you....oh I bought a dewalt 788


Congratulations on the DeWalt I have a bakers dozen of them!!! That,s how much I like them. And I don,t want to wait for parts so I,LL cannibalize one for what I need should the time come. I bought them when I was working, good thing as I can,t afford to buy one now on my retirement!!! Get one of the many spring loaded arm lifters it will simplified your scrolling greatly as will a foot switch. Welcome friend ,your in great hands here!!! Hope you become a regular!!!

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