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5 hours ago, amazingkevin said:

Good one and it will brighten up your wall of fame!!! I find cedar is my favorite wood to look at but it is terribly crumbly. I spend more time fixing break outs, than it took to do a project out of it

Thanks Kevin.  I knew this was an easy cut but fragile when I picked out the piece.  I really liked the colors.

5 hours ago, scrollerpete said:

Nice cutting Denny but I agree Eastern Cedar not the best wood for trivet, very fragile, you just look at it and it breaks. The colour and the smell are nice but for trivets I always used Hardwood.

Thanks Pete.  The colors are what attracted me to this piece.  I knew it would not be a trivet.


beautiful work!! im sure it looks great on your wall !!! and a nice teaching message as well.  so far all I ever use is pine or Baltic burch lol but should I ever find some cider I will know it breaks easely. lol that's also why I only tend to do segmention projects lol I don't need a lot of different kinds of woods lol  but I love looking at other peoples work!! iv thought of cheating once , and using my cheap pine wood then staining the pieces the proper wood colors... but then I thought hum better not even if I tell people its stained pine they might not like the idea lol 

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