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On 4/28/2020 at 12:23 AM, wombatie said:

They are lovely, you did a great job.  I have always wanted to do that I even got myself the proper bits for my Dremil but I have never gotten around to doing it.


Remember my friend Marg: It is never too late to start "

1 hour ago, Dragonkort said:

definitivamente excelente trabajo !!! Tengo dos kits de grabado que recibí como regalos y una caja llena de copas de vino esperando a que lo pruebe. jajaja Después de ver la tuya podría tener que hacer un punto para que Spike saque esa caja de copas de vino de la gragrae jajaja

Well done friend.

13 hours ago, Dragonkort said:

hum that's interesting...just above this post it says Dragon said and then in the post part there is either a strange langue I don't know or garbled words lol the only word I recognize is spike. lol anybody got any ideas as to how such an odd thing happened? 


Spanish, it is written in Spanish


oh!! well I suspected it was a different langue!! Im always impressed with people who can speak more then one langue , I have enough trouble with English!! lol when my son was in firsr grade we got a call from the school for a meeting.  they wanted to put him in speech class because they had a hard time understanding what he was saying, well when we got there they discovered he didn't have a speech problem...he talked like his mother!! lol my mom grew up in broklen NY and I of course learned to talk from her....so of course I had a slight accent myself lol so it was suggested that I start changing my speech and to listen to my husband at that time and try to talk like him lol it took awhile but it did work...I didn't loose my accent really but it wasn't as proniced.  after the ex left I moved closer to my family and my accent came back lol either that or I just wasn't watching how I talked anymore lol espically after the kids moved out.lol thank you jim for clearing that up for me 

12 hours ago, Kris Martinson said:

I think your work is most excellent! Did you draw a pattern onto the glass? I'd like to try this with my Dremel.

Hello Kris, yes, first I drew the pattern on the glass with carbon paper, as you can hardly see it, I remarked it with indelible ink and it was easier that way.
Another technique would be to put the pattern inside the bottle, stick it on the inside and start working directly, and in the end you remove the inner paper, I hope the advice will help, regards.


Very nice!, I assume you are using diamond burrs. I am impressed that you did this with a Dremel  as it is a rather large tool.

If you start to do a lot of this type of work, have a look at the Vortex F5. It is like drawing with a pen or pencil.

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