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well its been a good and productive day!! the birds in bird cages are finished and being polyurthined, I also put my face picture and spikes face picture in the dewalt scroll saw arm holders from steve good and then I painted those to. as I always told my children when they were little and would run out of the bathroom after there baths THIS IS NOT A NUDIEST COLINE!! LOL  it wasnt so bad when I caught them while they were still in the house but every now and then one or the other of them would get outside lol I laugh now when I think about it, the vision of me with a towl in my hands running down the sidewalk yelling this is NOT a nudest coline!! lol  as I chased a small nakied boy or girl down the sidewalk lol anyway I took some pictures of these but they didn't come out very well. I will have spike take pictures of them for me after there all dired. lol in the mean time you can look at these.  the first on is a bear door holder I put a scarf on him as im sure he gets cold standing on that snow lol then theres the abc puzzle now this next one is a bird puppet... I have the same pattern in crochet.. I made a crochet one for all my kids when they were little and then never made any more after that because they took so long to make lol 735976703_appleabctraypuzzle2.thumb.jpg.0002b5c4598f1d552213be589279fd61.jpgand of course I still have the crochet pattern but when I saw this scroll saw puppet set I was so happy!! lol only took a day or so to make and then only because I never work on anything for more then half an hour or so. the kids just love them and so do a lot of adults lol someday i'll make one for me lol but every time anyone sees one they ask can I have it?? lol and there gos my little birdie lol next time I make one for me im hiding it when someone comes to visit!! and then of course there the little bird pen holder. I made a lot of different pen holders for awhile … i'll have to see if I can find a place to orderthe pen holder part again before I make any more. hum for some reason theres 2 pictures of the puzzle!! lol and it wont let me delete one of them for some reason so I guess you ll have to just see it twice lol well im off to get something to eat everybody have a great day!! 735976703_appleabctraypuzzle2.thumb.jpg.0002b5c4598f1d552213be589279fd61.jpg1694166021_backofchicadeepenholderg.thumb.jpg.d0083511abaeadec2c2a9cc808b5098d.jpg

bear on snow door stop fleese scarf one.jpg

7 hours ago, Dragonkort said:

well its been a good and productive day!! the birds in bird cages are finished and being polyurthined, I also put my face picture and spikes face picture in the dewalt scroll saw arm holders from steve good and then I painted those to. as I always told my children when they were little and would run out of the bathroom after there baths THIS IS NOT A NUDIEST COLINE!! LOL  it wasnt so bad when I caught them while they were still in the house but every now and then one or the other of them would get outside lol I laugh now when I think about it, the vision of me with a towl in my hands running down the sidewalk yelling this is NOT a nudest coline!! lol  as I chased a small nakied boy or girl down the sidewalk lol anyway I took some pictures of these but they didn't come out very well. I will have spike take pictures of them for me after there all dired. lol in the mean time you can look at these.  the first on is a bear door holder I put a scarf on him as im sure he gets cold standing on that snow lol then theres the abc puzzle now this next one is a bird puppet... I have the same pattern in crochet.. I made a crochet one for all my kids when they were little and then never made any more after that because they took so long to make lol 735976703_appleabctraypuzzle2.thumb.jpg.0002b5c4598f1d552213be589279fd61.jpgand of course I still have the crochet pattern but when I saw this scroll saw puppet set I was so happy!! lol only took a day or so to make and then only because I never work on anything for more then half an hour or so. the kids just love them and so do a lot of adults lol someday i'll make one for me lol but every time anyone sees one they ask can I have it?? lol and there gos my little birdie lol next time I make one for me im hiding it when someone comes to visit!! and then of course there the little bird pen holder. I made a lot of different pen holders for awhile … i'll have to see if I can find a place to orderthe pen holder part again before I make any more. hum for some reason theres 2 pictures of the puzzle!! lol and it wont let me delete one of them for some reason so I guess you ll have to just see it twice lol well im off to get something to eat everybody have a great day!! 735976703_appleabctraypuzzle2.thumb.jpg.0002b5c4598f1d552213be589279fd61.jpg1694166021_backofchicadeepenholderg.thumb.jpg.d0083511abaeadec2c2a9cc808b5098d.jpg

bear on snow door stop fleese scarf one.jpg

There's something subliminal, the pen holder is a great  in your projects you just have to look for it. In these it would be the door stop.The pen holder is a great Dave of scrap wood into something attractive and useful!!! Please keep your work coming!!!


thank you everyone, it is nice to be able to show my work to someone again. I mean someone other then spike !lol  hes always honest about what i need to do to make something better but for the mmost part he likes everything i do . lol 

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