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SDC15851.thumb.JPG.de05a9f7d32c86e19e300976683ac572.JPGSDC15849.thumb.JPG.714a406c11cc616add59040676af8ace.JPGok here are the pictures of what iv been working on  I made 2 sets of steves  lift people for the dewalt since that's the machine I have. now I could have just left both sets blank, but that's now me lol so I made my little people into me and spike. lol spike usuly wears jeans and a tee shirt and since he was wearing a red tee shirt when I painted these he's wearing a red tee shirt, and im of course in jeans and a pretty top. now for the faces, I lowered the wood face some and then glued spikes head picture and my head picture in to on the wood face. now sine spike dosnt really have any hair that's all I did with him now for me when I lowered the face a bit I tried to take care and only lower the face leaving the hair at its orginal hight.  and yes I relize my hair is now white lol but I decided to make a younger version of me from when my hair was blond back then. lol I will put one set in the wood shop so they can hold up my scroll saw arm, the second set will just sit on my nick nack shelf. im thinking of making more of these for family and friends using there pictures. im just now sure what to do about the arms being up lol I need to think of something for these people to be holding up over there heads. now if I knew of anyone who still fished I could do one of my comopnd cut fish for the little people to be holding up over there heads...but none of us has been fishing in years lol  I think these might be something that would sell except for the fact that I would need a small picture of someones face  to put into it lol not everyone knows how to edit pictures to crop and then make the right sized head and not everyone has a program like printshop  to make this easer to use lol oh well I have me ad spike and if I can think of something to put In the hands they might not look like there holding there arms up as if in a stick up!! lolSDC15848.thumb.JPG.4f23508a8aac3a4fe094bf0b731e3a22.JPGnow i come to the birds in there bird cages. I made four of these and put up some up some pictures of then in progress as well as pictures of the finished item. now the first and last pictures of the birdcages and birds is after I cut out the pieces and started sanding them, don't ask me why the computer put one at the top and one at the bottom as that is not how I put them in here lol then comes the pictures of them after being painted. the next picture is of them hanging in the work shop  after being polyurthined and last but not least is a close up of one of them after I put the feathers on them and the very last picture is of one of the finished birdcages and birds ready to put in the craft boxes.  now of course I have to decide on what I want to start or work on next!! lol I don't think i'll be in the wood shop tomarrow as I have to sew all my granny squares into  a sweater lol I just hope it will fit me lol  id hate to have to give it away lol besides im not sure who besides me woud want a granny squared sweater lol they were real popler back when I was a teen and very young adult but I don't think many people today would want one lol  I am still a prodict of my generation !!! spikes little flower girll hippy !! lol like I told spike the only old part of me is my body ! lol SDC15850.thumb.JPG.c683740fa989f4de301b705a5b903848.JPGSDC15804.thumb.JPG.bc1ef494a2c1026d2ecec51c6e4484d2.JPGSDC15836.thumb.JPG.9cde820e4ac626d2675355e08232d57c.JPGSDC15837.thumb.JPG.544a3f1207c73e2f91088b52aa0349b2.JPGSDC15853.thumb.JPG.27756e0f990cb64d825da05c39215b50.JPGSDC15852.thumb.JPG.3355d49d7f90542481c3e6daae57cecd.JPGSDC15805.thumb.JPG.804fc3cf20ab0bbf8ce3651fd6aeb9cb.JPG

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