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I cant slow done kevin, I don't know how long these new meds will last...once there no longer effective im back to where I was this past year....in to much pain to even sit up let alone craft. so im doing as much as ican as fast as I can.... I know it dosnt seem like it here but woodworking isn't the only crafting I do...I also sew crochet knit maching and hand emboridy plastic canvas and I still have  to tke all my plastic bags and make plarn out of  them...theres just not enough time in  the day to do everything I want to do. lol and having to stop and rest and catch my breath all the  time is down right annoying lol 



jolly red, i dont know if there is a pattern for it, you see i just took a dragon picture i got from somewhere and just cut it out then i just took a dowll and a square piece of wood and put the thing together... i'll look through my patterns and see if i have it drawn out somewhere if i cant find that i'' see if i can find the dragon pictures, if we'er lucky it will be in my folder maked dragon patterns lol if not i'll keep looking in the rest of my patterns but it could take awhile lol i have lots of woodworking patterns as well as sewing, knitting crochet and plastc canvas patterns to look through if its not in with the wood patterns lol i'll start looking as soon as i finish drinking my morning coffees 


so far I haven't found the dragon pic yet jolly red I lost yesterday and most of today due to a migraine.  im resting this evening as after 2 days of pain it sort of wears me out. but not to worry!! I will get out my patterns tomarrow God willing and start looking.  i'll start looking in my wood patterns....im pretty sure it should be in there....hum i'll see if I can find a pic of my dragon cork board to  put up to lol wounder where that pattern might be?  not sure where I got that one.... I think I put a picture of my ghost candy bowl...I made that from a plastic canvas pattern. 996816487_sittingghostwooddecor.thumb.jpg.beedae764c05d6b54c95c03735e1defe.jpgah there it is lol I made it from wood but it was or rather is a plastic canvas pattern lol I think its a bit sturdier made from wood but I will most likely make it from plastic some day too lol and I have to go and redownload all the patterns I got from here. I made a mastake and downloaded word perfect and it turned all the patterns I down loaded into wordperfect files which of course it couldn't read..grr!!!   so we deleted word perfect...and spike work real haard on trying to save the patterns and he did save some for which im glad because I don't know  where I got a lot of the patterns ...oh well I think between the weather and re downloading all those patterns my head just couldn't handle it....at least that's what im hoping it was...I don't go back to get my shots until next month I think....well ineed to get off here so you and everybody else have a woundleful night!!!



Well 2 things  1) I haven't done all these things just now, some of them are things I already had made. lol I cant do to much at a time...and 2) just usuly work on more then one project at a time.... lol drives spike crazy lol  It is nothing for me to have 2 or 3 things im cutting in the woodshop at a time all at different stages lol and then more wood stuff in the kitchen all at different stages and that dosnt even count the crotcheting sewing and other types of projects im working on lol 

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