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Here are 2 completed dog portraits I did for a couple of customers. They work at a restaurant my parents eat at a lot. The one of the Pit Bull I ended up giving to the girl. I made the pattern of her pit bull a while back which I posted on here when i did it. Long story short they went on vacation and left the dog with her sister and he ran away was missing for about a week and a half, so she wanted me to do the picture because she did not think she would see him again. 2 days before I was done with the picture she found him laying on the steps of a church about 2 miles from her house and he had been shot several times. he will make it but it is going to cost a lot of money to fix him up . He will have to have front leg removed. She done a bake sale over the weekend to raise money, so I took her the picture and told her not to worry about paying me and I told her to put the picture up sell raffle tickets and who ever won would get a free portrait of their choice made by me. She is still doing the raffle on facebook until this weekend. I think she has raised about $300.00 on the raffle which is awesome, it helps me get my business out their and it helps her raise money to help her dog . His name is Kane , anyway here are some pictures . Thanks,Eagledrum70 :)


Great work on the dog portraits Glenn, im sure both customers are very happy with them. That's a sad story about the pitbull, why would someone want to shoot a dog!! Hope he recovers ok.


By the way .. I like the font you used for the names in the portraits.


You did the right thing,give and it will be given unto you.Not to much goes as planned so this is par for the course.The dogs very luck to live .Not to much vital spots to miss with a small target like a dog with a bullet.Kane was saved my the mercy of God.


I agree with everyone you are awesome Glenn it was very generous of you to make a gift of the cutting and a raffle prize. They say what goes around comes around, and I hope it comes back ten fold. :thumbs::thumbs:

They are great cuttings, I love them. I also like the font you used, what is it?



Thanks for the link I was able to add 2 scrolling fonts I did not have. Do you have any other links that have scrolling fonts

You are welcome Chris and here are 2 more scroll saw fonts I found a while back. Open up the link scroll down and you will see a link for 2 fonts called Scrollsoni and Stencil Seriff they are between Word Art and Dolf.This is where I found them all originally I just found them in my favorites. http://scrollcrafters.com/fretwork_catalog.aspx By the way I sent you a email please check it out and let me know about it please . I could really use your help Thanks Glenn :)

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