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Pattern printing


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Needing some help to remember a printing program I used to use

I would sometimes need to print a pattern to a specific size. There was a program I used to use where I would import that pattern, then type in the output size and it would print out the pattern to that size, even going over multiple pages if the pattern was bigger than the page size

Unfortunately the old grey matter isn't able to remember it at the moment. My description is a bit vague, but I'm hoping that someone might know the one I'm taking about

If there is a better one to use these days, I'm happy to give that a go also

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6 hours ago, Fish said:

I use rapidresizer. I think it was $35 a year I don't remember.  It does what I need,  It sounds like what your describing.  


Yes I found the old installation file and registration key I had from my old laptop. Installed it and printed to PDF and did some test prints at my local copy place and it came out the correct size. This will do until I get my own printer

Thank you for the help all

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