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This one was a nightmare keeping track of all the piece's as i went thru the step's of intarsia.I have no idea(BUT IT'S A LOT) how many times i had to put this puzzle together.Each time i had to study it again and again as it's a brand new look and never looks like the last time i assembled it.I had to put a curtain behind the drum sander on the drill press to catch the guided missle piece's that got away from me.Saves a step looking for them later.I used many differant stains and white glue to finish it off.I'll bet it weighs 60 pounds being 2" thick veneir covered particule board.( a poor mans intarsia) lol!I'm just useing what i have!.This is one of the three intarsia's i traded for my dw788,The other one was the "dog in the shoe" "the eagle"plus some fret work like grampa's angry pit bull,jesus praying at the rock.The dw788 owner would rather scroll saw on a ryobe 16" then the dw788.Everybody's has their taste's .I'm so glad he was overwhelmed to trade me,and no cash involved!this is one beautyfull piece of art work .Intarsia 's sure give a gift that keeps on lasting as they are beautyfull.Not to bad a trade for imitation intarsia's!And these are my practice piece's!30" x 28"post-2756-134955573207_thumb.jpgpost-2756-134955573258_thumb.jpgpost-2756-134955573299_thumb.jpg


Thank you Clayton and Andy ,i really hated to see them go but i'd rather have the dw788 .That's what they call twisting my arm.I would,nt sell the sitting bull dog for less than $250 i i had a choice and the dog in the shoe for $150.00 but i could'nt refuse the trade!Hated to see them go. :)

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