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Hello my name is Mike. I found Scroll Saw Village a few weeks ago nad have found some very useful information. Ive had my saw for a few years but never really tryed to do anything very complicated with it. I'm semi retired and need to find something to do in all my spare time. I have helped my paster at church do some things for lent withe the saw but I would like to do more intricate things. One thing I just started to try to do is I downloaded one of the religious crosses with cursive writing and dont see how to cut the letters and keep them intact. Any suggestions would be appretiated.


Hi michael, welcome to your new home!Not seeing the pattern your talking about i can't say to much to help you.BUT it the pattern was aquired from here ,SSV(scrollsawvillage) then you either cut out the letters or you leave the letters and cut around them.Hope this helps .The more you familiarize your self with the goings on off scroll work it all will come to gether as to what to do.It's the most enjoyable hobby i've ever had.There's so much to learn and interesting things too that can be learned in the forums.You can go back many months in any forum to see what you've missed or to see what can be learned .the page numbers are on the bottom right.I'll be watching your progress scrolling and will offer and tips and tricks to help you along as we all will .Glad to have you as a member,your new friend amazingkevin!See you soon :)


Mike I am so glad that you found us here at the Village. As far as your question goes if you could post the link to the cross you are talking about that would be most helpful, but in most cases when you look at a pattern you cut the black areas out, in some cases you cut the white but typically the pattern maker will indicate that on the pattern it's self. In some cases what Kevin was talking about takes place. More information can allow us to pinpoint the correct answer.

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