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i to am not much help to you because i love them all.....if i HAD to chose though i chose the birds but only because my dad was a bird person....had bird feeders and bird houses all over the yard once mom made him move them from the pourch! lol  it was getting to the point where she couldnt sit on her glider on the pourch because birds were flying around the pourch and resting walking on the pourch floor!! lol li wish i would have gotten a picture of that....id never seen birds be so unafraid of humans before....there of course all gone now that mom and dad are gone....maybe thats where i get my love for birds...i have several bird feeder patterns like the cat one i think i showed you guys on here that i have by the front door so i could watch the birds feed....but we dont fill it anymore as the birds never got the seeds because the squrals would always eat it first....we even tried to put a bird seed bell on it and with in an hour is was gone....pretty sure the squrells got that tooo.....im trying to figure out some way to put a screen on it so the birds can get the food and the squrells cant lol 

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