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Welcome Jim1I have good news for you ! In my 3 years being a member have never seen a question that could not be answered!.I fact we'll answer it a few differant ways and you take your pick.Their all great answers.I laughed at a few but when i tryed them i was immediatly sold on it!Scrolling is the hobby for me from plain to detail ,big to small ,simple to complex it's all here.I have tryed allmost all the ways you can use a scroll saw and intarsia really makes me smile.I hope you'll find a home here at ssv(scrollsawvillage)it's the only place i want to be Welcome again,be sure and open up your own gallery to store you works,photo's and patterns you might find here. :)


Welcome to a friendly Village. Check out the sites pattern library. If your new at scrolling there most likely is something there to suit your taste and be an educational journey as well....The only dumb question, is an unanswered one.

Much Respect...

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