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back to the drawing board


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well its back to the drawing board for my wizzard pattern.  i stack cut 4 of them and i dont think any of them came out .... when i looked at the bottom couple of boards i can see where a LOT of the inside cuts have broken off.....they must have broken off when i made my last cut because iv been checking it every time i go to another hole.... and im haveing trouble getting the tape and pattern off the top....so im pretty sure im going to loose more pieces on the top while i try to take off the plastic ... let alone do any kind of sanding.... I think i made my mastake was by starting my cutting at one edge and going around and then trying to do the middle last.... i proubly should have started in the middle and worked my way out?   i printed the pattern out several times, so i still have it with out having to search for it in all my patterns...i'll just have to get more wood for it before i can start it again....and before that id best make one or to things for the craft boxes....thats ok though i should prouble take a break from it before i try it again..... i' ll try to get it apart and see if theres anything i can salvage from it as i take my breaks from baking...speacking of baking id best get to it...i lost half of yesterday due to neck and head pain.....and iv already got pain in my neck and a mild headace...i'll take some more asprine and hope it helps.....spike says iv proubly just over done it this last week....i hope hes right and pray that the botox treatments are starting to not to work anymore....i dont know what id do if the bowtox stops working .. i think thats the last resort and the very thought of having to go through all that pain 24/7 again simply terrifies me....im not sure i can go through that for hours, days weeks and months again...so please add your prayers to mine that this is short lived and the powtox shots will countue to work again....oh well there is asprain to take and bread to to make....so far this day is not starting out very good.

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I hope your health improves. I was in chronic pain for 30 years after a back injury before the health industry caught up and fixed it. 

I am sure you will figure out what happened. I can’t give any advice I’ve only did the one piece so far. I have some templates that I bought from Amazon. When I finish a craft project for my wife I am going to start on one of the templates, I think it’s gonna be very nice.

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Google alternative medicine. I was on oxycotin 6 years and when the president stopped it I had to find relief. A man in the store says to drink distilled water(1 gallon) which I could not afford . So I cut back one what ever to try it and 3 months into it I could feel the difference. Now 1 year and 8 months I,m pain free and it didn,t take that long.i could not ever toss an turn in bed with out severe pain that made me almost cry out in pain.

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Thanks everybody.  if i feel better tomarrow i'll take picture of it  before i unstack it and then of them separated... woke up this morning with a horrabe cold!!  mumble grumble....stuffy head soar throat...you get the idea spent most of today in bed and will probly line down again soon... rather bad timeing....i finally found instructions for my 3d printer and get them printed out yesterday and they made better sense this time when i read them ( its hard to do anything with migrines lol)  and the parts came in for my cnc machine to.....was planning on going through the turtal in my email for the cnc machine today but ahh well there not going anywhere.  i used 1/4 inch baltic burch wood for the wizzard and spike got me the reallly small blades the blades were 0, 2 4 6s  i still have a few of those left and will save them for when i give it another try. it was looking pretty good and i thought i had nailed it until the last few cuts in the middle. thats when everything started comming apart....i used my hot glue gun on the outer edges of the wood to hold them together then i wraped masking tape around the boards so they couldnt shift while i was cutting....i wouldnt feel so bad about it after all not EVERYTHING i work on comes out...but it really bugs me when im almost done and the darn thing gets really messed up!!!  lol  as for the headaces and migrines iv been having them for over 30 years....i finally had to go on disablity because of them about 12-13 years ago. Iv seen several drs and nero drs....and tons of different meds....I went to  a ciroprater for awhile and it helped for awhile.....but then it became in affective.... finally last year i was sent to a nero dr in kallamzoo....the bowtox shots are a God send....better then even then the iropractor as it dosnt just dull the pain and make it more bairable....it gives me several hours a day pretty much pain free and the pain i still have is so mild i can ignore it for the most part.  i still wear dark glasses if i go out side and i follow my migrine diet...but if i over do thats when i get the break through headaces. always have had trouble with that. lol  anytime i feel half way decent i tend to try to do as much as i can as fast as i can while im still feeling good lol  and i spent like4 days baking from the time i got up until about 6 - 7 oclock at night. lol im just glad i was able to use up all the zuccinne before this cold hit! lol and now im going to take some more dayquil  a couple of asprin and lie back dwn


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SDC15995.thumb.JPG.bf7290d22294c99dd53a99892c70b638.JPGOk here are the pictures...I proubly took to many but it should give you a good idea as to what they look like i put some black felt under them and i must say they do look a LOT better then i thought they were . the lying down pictures show the front and back. of each peice . with them lying they they really dont look to go at all then i took some pictures with them standing up and the black felt behind them, those look a bit better.SDC15984.thumb.JPG.860b3b53b3eb99cfe6a4d377ad931ee9.JPGSDC15992.thumb.JPG.f2fce13c1d2e306b3ee9e28eb50df37f.JPGSDC15994.thumb.JPG.0ca2732d0f82025fb4c7d244a219e0e1.JPGSDC15993.thumb.JPG.8a670d22833baf0858812400fd50573d.JPGSDC16005.thumb.JPG.ae223404c02517b14635efdca29718ab.JPGYou can actully tell what there suppose to be!!  so i am glad that i did better then i thought i did at least. now im not sure if i should just toss them in the trash or try doing the burn method along the sides where i made a sort of  frame.  my orginal idea was to take the flooring materal and cut it to the size and clue it around   the outside edge.  but like i said either way i did better then i thought i did they look a LOT better in the upright position  the one the white on it is the top peace where the pattern was glued to it.....i'll check to see if i have any goo be gone around here that might help take the paper off. but like i told the guy ( cant remember his name darn it!!)  we tend to be our own worse criticts... and i trust you guys to brutaly honest.... i wounder if maybe i should cut it on the right hand side just above the first big hole and below the second big hole thats where the bigest pieces fell out....theres supposes to be if i remember right 4 or 5 different cuts there  SDC16003.thumb.JPG.f3c4c2c891b4445e7ce607a9cfcb1b1b.JPGSDC16000.thumb.JPG.6a482316e47aca2f9d5b99e6769a5587.JPGSDC15999.thumb.JPG.5827022cece0a86994f390b9b2ebc9a2.JPGwell im feeling a bit better nowso im going to go find a pattern to cut forthe craft  boxes and if i countue to feel better i'll sand that piece of wood spike found for me to do my dragon house sign... its been around for awhile so its kind of gray hopefuly after if i sand it it wont be quite so gray and the pattern will show up better.  I think im going to have to use my sabor saw to cut it out.  i'll have to transfer all the lines onto the back after it cut so i can do a little line type carving on it like i did for my daughters D&D screen and then i'll paint it  i'll have to have spike help me make the numbers big enough to go into the sign part after i cut it out... and thanks everybody for all your help!!! i dont think i would have ever tried a piece this complex with out all your incourgement!!!  SDC16004.thumb.JPG.c40db69a56beb9174c327ca37afbb677.JPGSDC16002.thumb.JPG.b722d23266cf25938c758fbf03c75ed5.JPGSDC16006.thumb.JPG.9357bbaaa554b5f5bc5e669afbb80be0.JPGSDC15998.thumb.JPG.b948cc45045efc7fa22523cf3d2dc4bf.JPG

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ok i  might work in wood but my wood knowlge is kind of limited lol could you tell me WHAT b/bb baltic burch is?   i mean i know its a type of baltic  burch but is b/bb a grade of the wood?  or the type of wood?  i mean like some press woods where the layers run vertialy on one layer and then horzonaly on the next layer?  I asked spike but he's never heard of it ,  the only kind of wood working hes done is like building closets or walls and such....is it expensive?

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1?4 Baltic berch has 5 layers of berch and what you have has 3 lalyers of wood . BB ply. is hard wood and you r 1/4 regular ply is soft.. I don't use glue or tape to hold my layers togather I use a Brad Nail gun. I use it in all major waist areas, on that size pattern there is a lot of aareas that don't have any support hich moves while you cut. The way you stack with BB ply you would probably be OK.


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I have to say I am having a really hard time visualizing where the Dragon is in that image.?  I would also recommend using Contact Brand clear removable shelf paper on the wood instead of tape. It is much easier to remove than tape. 

And yes when cutting things like this I would work from the inside out and I always TRY to plan my cuts so that the delicate pieces are supported as long as possible. This comes with practice. 

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ok i have read and taken notes...the dragons head is in the upper right hand corner and one of his feet is just below that.  will use brads espically in the center next time and work from the inside out....i'll have to see how much the b/bb wood is .... we do pretty good with his ssi and my ssdi but still have to budget.  next time i think i'll just take my tracing paper and carbin papper and trace the pattern right on to the wood.like i usualy do... lol that way i wont loose a line when the paper flips up every now and then lol it will have to wait until after harvest time though as im quite busy right now. lol just finished the last batch of penut butter caro buttschot cip cookies and need to get them pakaged and into the freezer and i still have caro frosting to make for the zuccine brownies i made yesterday so i can pakage them up and put in the freezer to and yesterday spike picked me up some more zuccine so it will have to be pealed cut ad preeaed so i can make more stuff lol oh and caro is a subsute for choloate... lol but im pretty sure i'll be able to sneak into the wood shop every now and then and do a few simple things lol and again thanks everybody!!!

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