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3/4pine Eric Clapton,sam costilo


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4 hours ago, rdatelle said:

Nice Kevin. What, I didn't give you enough to do. LOL!

Your a quick thinker! The work you gave me saved me while I was sick thinking the worse. You kept my mind off it and doing what relaxes me. On top of that you opened a can of worms and lit a fire under my butt. You saved me more ways than one God bless you and your gran kids!!!

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22 hours ago, smitty0312 said:

Another winner.......beautiful 

22 hours ago, smitty0312 said:

Another winner.......beautiful 

Just got a couple of bucks come in so off to the big box store for 1/16" drills (2) and they had a 7.5 oz can of gold solid stain .bells and whistles went off in my head and I thought do a framed guitar with a gold backer? Thanks Smitty!!!

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