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Due to Covid-19 all events  in Ontario have been cancelled including the Woodshow in Toronto.  It was a great event but this year it is going to go virtual.

They will have a number of seminars and the ability to tour vendor sites.  Not sure how it all works.  It will be FREE but you can pay $9.95 CDN (7.50US) and get access to the seminars for the next year.

Today it was announced that they will have a scroller - Lesley De Abaitua from Oak & Feather - doing a seminar each day on a project.  Her website is https://oakandfeatherdecor.com/

Here is a link to the seminar.


If you want to sign up see https://woodshows.com


PS:  I have no affiliation with the show except I would like to see them continue.


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