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thank  you!! ill-wright down for after christmas....we're not poor but we do have to budget out money and right now im buying and making for christmas lol and still trying to make stuff to sell on ebay.  I had hoped to have enough new stuff made up by halloween to start selling again...spike says i have enough with all the boxes of stuff i have already made and in the to be finished boxes but until i get back into the swing of things and can get more things made in reasonable amounts of time i want to hold off a bit... im beginning to get a secudule of some sorts going...different times to work on different crafts and its beginning to work out pretty good. only the woodworking is lagging behind and thats because Sheba is so clingy these days.... she dosnt just want to be in the room with me....there are dog beds in the woodshop  and hers is on a chair right next to mine like in the kitchen...but she wants to be on my lap or at least able to lie her head on my lap..but in the wood shop she cant do that....so after im in the wood shop for 15-20 minutes she makes her way in there and starts barking...lol and dosnt stop until i stop what im doing and pick her up and take her to the living room to sit in my chair with me. The family says im spoiling her to much and letting her get away with murder lol in some ways there right....but she has given me her whole life....always at my side since she was 6 weeks old....still performing her job even now... and now its my turn to take spical care of her. my little blind dog with no teeth and slightly senial...i dont know how much longer God will allow her to stay here with me but i charish every minute of being with her and  anything she wants within reason i will give her...she deservers it. 

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